Hauschild, Detective Lewis

Lewis Hauschild

END OF WATCH: September 22, 1945
Cleveland Police Department
Age: 45

Detective Lewis Hauschild was appointed to the East Cleveland Police Department on October 15, 1924, and promoted to Detective in July of 1945.

On September 22, 1945, Detective Hauschild, along with his partner, Patrolman Fred McGill, gave chase to a vehicle reported stolen from Euclid, Ohio. Officers overtook the vehicle at Euclid and Cornell at which time Hauschild jumped onto the running board of the auto and ordered the driver, Stanley Pavlic, to stop. Instead, the driver attempted to get away and Detective Hauschild fired two shots fatally wounding the driver. The auto veered into the path of an oncoming streetcar crushing Hauschild between the streetcar and the stolen vehicle.

City Manager Charles Carran stated Detective Hauschild was a courageous, capable officer who was highly regarded by fellow officers and by those he served so well.

Hauschild was survived by his wife Wanda, his mother Emma Hauschild, brothers Patrolman Ernest of the Cleveland Police Department and Herbert, and two sisters.

Lewis Hauschild’s name is inscribed on the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Wall, Washington, D.C. panel 47, east wall, line 10.

By Ptl. Ronald Hubbard & Florence Johnston, Exec. Asst. East Cleveland Police Dept.